School-based Services
Gross Motor Development
1+1 provides training on gross motor development for children, parent activities, and teacher training.

① Teacher Training Workshops/Seminars
Target Audience: K1-K3 Teachers
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Strengthening teachers' understanding of children's fine motor development milestones, including their importance, theoretical background, common issues, and daily training activities

② School-based Practical Support
Target Audience: K1-K3 Teachers
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Therapists assist teachers in setting gross motor IEPs to meet the growth and developmental needs of students

③ School-based Practical Support
Target Audience: K1-K3 Teachers
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Assist teachers in following up on the IEP implementation and conducting on-site observations

① Parent Seminars
Target Audience: K1-K3 Teachers
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Enhance parents' understanding of student's gross motor development milestones, emphasizing their importance and the incorporation of training into daily life

② Parent-Child Group Activities
Target Audience: K1-K3 Parents and Students
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Help parents understand how simple exercises can enhance student's gross motor skills

School-based Services Physical Fitness Development
1+1 offers training on student's physical fitness development, parent activities, and teacher training

① Parent Seminars
Target Audience: K1-K3 Parents
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Enhance parents' understanding of children's physical fitness by informing them about its importance, precautions, and emergency procedures.

② Parent-Child Group Activities
Target Audience: K1-K3 Parents and Students
Instructor: Pediatric Specialty Therapist
Content: Help parents understand how to improve children's physical health through simple exercises